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Anchor main business crucial overcome difficult innovation | sea na chuan held half a year management work

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2024-8-27 16:44:10]    瀏覽量:125次
On July 25, Haichuan held a half-year operation work, implement the spirit of the half-year operation work of BAIC Group, mobilize all Haichuan people to anchor high-quality development, unified thinking, firm confidence to win, and ensure the completion of business objectives and key tasks.
Vice secretary of party committee, President Huang Wenbing semi-annual business report, party committee, organization department minister and human resources director Cao Cui chai convey the Beijing auto group organization performance and employee performance appraisal optimization plan and release the second quarter performance evaluation score, secretary of the party committee, the chairman of Li Jingang convey Beijing auto group half a year business work spirit and work deployment. The meeting was presided over by Chu Zhuang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the trade union.
Conference pointed out that Sichuan as group parts support plate, in the first half of strategic concentration, everything from the enterprise nature, adhere to the market orientation, adhere to independent innovation, adhere to the open cooperation, adhere to the steady management, with key technology control as the main line, with sustainable profitability as the goal, to achieve group issued "double half" business task. In the second half of the year, we should make every effort to implement the strategic deployment of the group, serve the vehicle development of the group, take independent business as the core, joint venture profit as the fulcrum, anchor the "one horizontal and one vertical", strengthen the source of innovation-driven development, expand the profit and high growth sector, accelerate the transformation of competitive growth, and refuse to achieve the annual target.
The meeting stressed that in the face of fierce market competition, Sichuan to strengthen "in a crisis prepare for war" operator responsibility consciousness, with the group vehicle in at the same time, the force out a hole, to achieve key technology independent control, planning good core competitiveness, promote independent competition ability, sustainable development ability, focus on six aspects focus on:
Must wholeheartedly serve the development of the group's main business. At the height of politics, we will do our best to ensure supply, try our best to achieve the goal of cost reduction and efficiency increase, and do a good job of coordination.
We must bear in mind that "innovation is the primary driving force" and take the road of self-reliance and self-improvement. Cooperate with the vehicle layout of forward-looking technology, and strengthen the independent innovation ability.
We must adhere to the principle of "self-centered, mutual benefit and win-win results". Deepen win-win development with partners, optimize the industrial layout, and create a characteristic parts industry ecology.
We must firmly believe that reform is the fundamental solution. Strengthen the head-based headquarters, strengthen the "three centers" positioning, optimize the system capacity and capital operation capacity, and strengthen risk prevention and control.
We must firmly lead the culture and build a strong core team. We should reform the mechanism for selecting and employing cadres, and optimize the mechanism for cadre evaluation and performance incentive. Upgrade the brand culture, lead the team to practice the "BAIC Spirit" and get things done.
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