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Tai'an set off for a comprehensive emergency rescue plan drill

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2020-11-16 18:34:32]    瀏覽量:2051次

  In order to improve the staff's ability to respond to emergencies and provide a safe and secure environment for the fourth quarter of the sprint, on November 16, Tai' an set out to carry out a comprehensive emergency rescue plan drill.

  In order to do a good job in this comprehensive emergency drill, the company specially set up the drill command headquarters under the command of general manager Shen Zaigen and the organization including the drill meeting group, logistics support group, evacuation escape group, emergency rescue group, medical rescue group, guard group, communication liaison group, propaganda and reporting group. With the sharp and harsh sound of the alarm, departments and workshops under the command of their evacuation escape team leader, quickly into the emergency evacuation state, employees covered their mouth and nose with wet towels, bent over, according to the escape route set by the escape drill program, orderly and rapid evacuation of their respective work areas, to the designated location of each department. 

  Quickly count the personnel, report the situation of the headquarters personnel, to achieve orderly and efficient. According to the program of comprehensive emergency rescue plan, the comprehensive exercises of four subjects are carried out: fire alarm, emergency rescue, medical rescue, fire dry powder fire extinguisher and fire fighting drill. First of all, the painting workshop fire scene report simulation exercise. Painting workshop monitor simulation inspection site found painting production line sudden fire, the fire gradually spread. Report to the workshop director immediately. The workshop director immediately reports to the manufacturing minister.

   The manufacturing minister received a telephone call to understand the fire situation, location and nature of the accident in detail, and reported to Shen Zaigen, the general manager of Shen Zaigen, who received the accident alarm to understand the situation, and requested to start the emergency response immediately. Under this background, the emergency command department is set up, and the commander-in-chief issues the emergency disposal plan, and according to the requirements of the plan, the rescue team, the rescue team and the medical rescue team shall each enter the scene according to their duties to conduct drills. 

   Since General Manager Shen Zaigen received the fire report and issued instructions to start the company's emergency plan, the emergency teams, in accordance with the requirements of the plan, simulated an employee in the painting production line. 

    Emergency rescue team search and rescue personnel wearing protective masks will be transferred to the medical rescue department after simple injury treatment and carried to the ambulance to hospital for further treatment. At the same time, the fire extinguishers and fire hydrants were used in the emergency rescue team. All the drill links are orderly and interlocking, and there are no accidents, such as accidental bruises and falls.

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