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Taian set off to release corporate culture concept

Taian set off to release corporate culture concept

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2020-8-10 13:38:51]    瀏覽量:5339次
Tai'an sets out to release corporate culture
At present, the competition between enterprises is not only the competition between market, capital, talent and technology, but also the competition of corporate culture. "Resources are always exhausted, and only culture grows ". If an enterprise wants to retain people and do business, it must rely on culture, culture to manage enterprises and culture to flourish enterprises. Cultural prosperity, then enterprise prosperity. Based on the theory of enterprise culture construction of BAIC Group and Hainagawa, and learning to refer to the excellent enterprises in Taian City and District, Taian set out to adhere to the correct guiding ideology and main principles in the course of more than ten years of development. Tai'an departure culture is one of the key tasks to realize the high quality development of enterprises. It has played a distinct ideological guidance and spiritual drive in the process of enterprise establishment and development. It closely follows the strategic requirements of BAIC Group, Hainagawa, inherits and carries forward the principles of BAIC spirit, including the corporate spirit, corporate vision, strategic objectives, business philosophy, core competitiveness and other corporate culture content. Enterprise vision: sea all rivers sail to pursue the world interpretation :" sea all rivers, there is tolerance is big; wall stand thousand, no desire is just ." Tai'an will set off with the magnanimity and tolerance of the sea, gather wisdom and open-minded, up and down the same desire, concentration, unity, overcome all the difficulties in the enterprise development journey, with good quality, beautiful aluminum alloy hub reputation all over the world. Corporate mission: People-oriented, improve employee happiness index; quality first, meet customer desire needs; reputation first, build high-quality development enterprises. It is an important responsibility of the company to regard the quality of products as the life of the enterprise and the expectation of customers, including partners, as the main work direction of the company. Development strategy: four-wheel drive interpretation: Cast culture is the whole staff up and down unified action, systematic view, methodology, grasp the key points, through indoctrination and cultivation, together to create the characteristics of Tai'an departure with systematization
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