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With the help of the platform, in-depth cooperation and win-win future

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2020-8-6 18:29:0]    瀏覽量:5486次

As a wholly owned subsidiary of BAIC Group Hainagawa, Tai'an set off to keep up with Hainagawa, Focus on the "new four modernizations, Based on the platform, Taking advantage of opportunities, Deepening cooperation with BAIC Group II enterprises, In order to promote the company's market development. 4 August, Penglong Xing held in Shanghai 2020 collection supplier conference and collection product promotion meeting. At the meeting, Du Ruitao, deputy secretary and general manager of Penglonghang Party Committee, shared with the participants the Win-Win Future Together, Hand in hand to achieve the "14th Five-Year Plan "leapfrog development report, Shen Xiao did "performance-oriented dealer group digital strategic transformation" sharing. This gathering is the largest ever, Mercedes-Benz 4 s store area manager more than 120 people, more than 50 buyers attended the conference. Hainagawa marketing general manager Park Jihao, Zuo Heng senior manager attended the conference. Tai'an set off as one of three key promotion suppliers, Set up the booth as required by the organizing committee, And as the second supplier representative made a statement. Chen Bo, marketing manager of the departure company, briefed the participants on the company's status, From the enterprise advantages, personalized customization, major products, service support and other aspects of the product to promote the departure. Penglong Xing this gathering meeting, For Taian departure product display to provide a good platform. Whether it's from meeting schedules, product presentations or exchanges, Penglong Xing, Hainagawa company and Taian departure after-sale hub collection business are very important, Tai'an set out for the market to open up a broad stage. Tai'an set out to seize this opportunity, Take advantage of the platform, To achieve and deepen follow-up cooperation with Penglong, To promote development, For the high-quality development of Hainagawa to make Taian departure contribution.

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