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Tai'an set off for the third session of the first Dong Jiangao Conference held

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2020-5-29 18:54:17]    瀏覽量:6127次

On May 29, Tai'an set off for the third session of the first Dong Jiangao Conference successfully held, Bohai Automobile Vice Chairman, General Manager, Party Secretary Lin Fenghua, Hainachuan Market Development Department General Manager, Tai' an Departure Executive Director Ma Lei, Hainachuan Joint Supervision Task Force Leader, Tai'an Departure Former Executive Director Li Zongqi, Hainachuan Joint Supervision Task Force 2 Group Leader, Tai' an Departure Supervisor Li Jiahu, Tai'an Departure Supervisor Mao Jianhong, Tai' an departure general manager Shen Zaigen, party branch secretary, deputy general manager, trade union head Li Maocai, former party branch deputy secretary, trade union chairman Niu Yong, financial director Liu Guangan attended the meeting. The Dong Jiangao meeting includes three agendas, one is to discuss the management framework and related mechanisms, the other is the Dong Jiangao meeting, and the third is the meeting between Dong Jiangao leaders and Taian middle-level cadres. Management framework and related mechanisms seminar, presided over by Ma Lei Executive Director. According to May 14, BAIC group party committee standing committee member, deputy general manager, Hainachuan party committee secretary, chairman, epidemic prevention and control work leading group leader Cai Suiping and his party, to Taian departure site office when Cai Weiping put forward the request, Li Zongqi, Li Jiahu, Shen Zaigen and so on Taian departure future development management framework and related the related mechanism carries on the discussion, combs the thought. Lin Fenghua presided over the meeting of Dong Jiangao. Combined with the report on the early stage of Tai'an's departure and the future development plan, the participants discussed, analyzed and evaluated the detailed contents, and pointed out the improvement methods and put forward constructive suggestions on the problems found. Finally, Tai'an set off Dong Jiangao member leaders and departure middle-level cadres to meet and exchange. On the basis of affirming the contribution of the last Dong Jiangao members and departure cadres to the development of the departure, Lin Fenghua put forward hopes and demands for the new Dong Jiangao members and departure cadres.

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