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Third quarter summary and commendation meeting

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2019-10-18 17:5:21]    瀏覽量:4014次
Tai'an departure for the third quarter 2019 summary recognition and factory open management conference
On October 18 th, Tai'an set off for the third quarter of 2019. At the meeting, quality Assurance Minister Qin Fazu reported on the completion of the department's third quarter quality key work and the fourth quarter quality work plan. Li Jiahu, secretary of the Party branch and general manager of the company, made the third quarter work summary report entitled "sprint, decisive battle, complete 2019 business target ". The production and operation and key work completion in the first three quarters of 2019 were summarized from the situation of industry profile, business index, product quality, order completion, delivery and commission, and the completion of the fourth quarter business target was arranged and deployed. He called on everyone to resolutely achieve the fourth quarter target. How to ensure the completion of the department's tasks and achieve the company's goals, General Manager Assistant, the head of the second phase of the project team Liu Kang, Minister of Commerce Chen Bo, Party and Group discipline Inspection Minister Wu Zhaohui respectively made statements. Niu Yong, deputy secretary of the Party branch and chairman of the trade union, conveyed the labor competition arrangements of the group trade union and the Hainagawa trade union federation, and issued a special labor competition plan for Tai'an's departure for the fourth quarter of the sprint and the decisive victory over the official battle. Finally, Tai'an departure executive director Li Zongqi conveyed the group, Hainagawa company three-quarter meeting spirit. He analyzed the group, the current development of the company. He reiterated once again that he should seriously study the 14th Five-Year Development Plan of Taian's departure in the spirit of the third Party Congress of Hainagawa, the spirit of the Group's strategic seminar, and the reality of departure. And hope Taian departure in the fourth quarter of the battle, order, safety, indicators, to ensure the completion of the year's task targets.
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