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Cai Suping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of BAIC Group, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hainachuan, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Cai S

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2018-6-27 10:17:54]    瀏覽量:4107次
BAIC Group Party Committee Standing Committee, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Hainagawa Party Committee, Chairman Cai Weiping and his party set out to Taian investigation.

     June 27,2018, Taishan rock, purple gas east. Bei Group Party Committee Standing Committee, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Hainachuan Party Committee, Chairman Cai Weiping and Hainachuan Company General Manager Chen Bao, Deputy General Manager Chen Geng and his party 3 people to Taian departure research. Accompanied by Li Zongqi, member of the party committee of Hainachuan Company and executive director of Taian departure, Li Jiahu, secretary of the Party branch and general manager, Chairman Cai Weiping went deep into Taian's production site investigation. Chairman Cai Jingping and his party went deep into the production site to understand the whole process of aluminum alloy hub production and processing, and visited the construction of the workers' home, the staff's bookshop and the innovation studio. At the forum, Chairman Cai Weiping and his party, after listening to the general manager of Li Jiahu's report on the management and party building of the departure company, put forward ideas and requirements on how to better develop the departure, and pointed out the direction of the development of the departure. General Manager Chen Bao put forward six requirements for Tai'an's departure. Chairman Cai Weiping pointed out that although this is the first time to set off in Tai'an and the first time to see hub production enterprises, he was very excited. He put forward twelve suggestions on the future development of Tai' an's departure. Chairman Cai Weiping's research activities, at the same time, sent cool to front-line staff, and invited Cui Honggang, secretary of the Tai' an Municipal Party Committee, and his party to discuss the future development direction of Tai'an's departure, set up a government platform for enterprises and clarify the direction of enterprise development. Enhanced employee confidence. 

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