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Taian set off to hold a comprehensive risk management summary meeting

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2020-8-31 19:10:33]    瀏覽量:4837次

Tai'an set off for a comprehensive risk management conference

In order to strengthen the risk management of Tai'an departure and strengthen the internal control of the company, at the company's weekly meeting on July 3 this year, General Manager Shen Zaigen requested: according to the division of functional departments, each department should identify, analyze and respond to the risks in the work, carry out risk management, and issue them monthly. On July 31, Tai'an set off for the first special briefing on risk management. Shen Zaigen General Manager and other members of the company's leading group and heads of departments, all office management staff more than 60 people attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Wu Zhaohui, Vice Minister of discipline Inspection of the Party and the masses. Each department head reported the risk control work of the department one by one. After each department report is completed, the participants comment on the risk management work from the aspects of reporting content, analysis method, risk management measures, etc., and say ideas, suggestions and opinions. General Manager Shen Zaigen made a concluding speech to the meeting. He began with the definition of risk and risk management, and explained the types of risk, the importance and necessity of risk management to enterprises and the measures of risk management through iceberg map. In order to do a good job of comprehensive risk management and internal control in the future, he asked everyone to strengthen their understanding of risk management, enhance their own risk awareness, and implement risk awareness into every link of the work.

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