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Passion and passion

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2018-5-6 9:58:54]    瀏覽量:6029次
In May 5, 2018, the solar terms of the summer season, the weather was beautiful, the rain had cleared up, and the wind was cool at the foot of Taishan. Tai'an started the sixth workers' Games successfully.
Li Jia Hu, secretary and general manager of the Party branch of the company, delivered the opening speech and announced the opening of the sports meeting.
The departure company advocates "happy sports, healthy work and happy life". From April to November, it is the staff culture festival of the company, which is an effective form of the rich journey and the cultural construction of the enterprise.
This year's competitions include tug of war, jump rope, bead line and back to back ball. Under the premise of ensuring production, employees from the production line and management departments actively participate in the competition.
The tug of war has always been a reservation item for the staff sports meeting on the beginning of the year. It is also a very exciting game, which is very exciting and exciting this year. Each member of the team firmly grasped the rope, pedaling hard and pedaling hard, holding up the strength and strength, sticking to the common belief of defeating each other, showing the spirit of unity and cooperation and hard work. Finally, the championship, the quality assurance department and the management gang were divided into the champions, the runner up and the season.
Collective rope skipping, Pearl River Wanli and back-to-back pinch are also a project to show the team's ability to cooperate, not only to show the ability to work together, to calm down, but also to show the players' struggle for the second, to dare to fight and to go forward. The champion of the group skipping rope is awarded by the management department, and the champion of the two items of Zhuhang Wanli and back-to-back ball is the flower drop quality assurance department.
Through the development of the staff sports meeting, the staff released the work pressure, pleasing the body and mind, strengthening the cohesion, stimulating the enthusiasm of advancing, creating a harmonious atmosphere of unity and endeavour, and providing a strong spiritual guarantee for the common realization of the "practice of the dream of Beiqi and a new journey."

Party discipline inspection department: Ni Xiuwen

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