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Cai Suping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of BAIC Group, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hainachuan, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Cai S

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2020-5-15 11:59:6]    瀏覽量:5204次
On May 14, Cai Suping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hainachuan, Chairman, and Leader of the Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control of BAIC Group, and his entourage, went to Taian to set off on-site work, and went all out to fight for the third quarter after the war. , To ensure the completion of the annual business objectives, accelerate the four major transformations, and scientifically plan for the high-quality development of the "14th Five-Year Plan" to redeploy, supervise and implement.

       Chen Bao, President of Hainachuan Company and Chairman of Bohai Automobile, Cai Enyu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hainachuan Company, Chairman of the Labor Union, and Secretary of the Party Committee of Bohai Automobile, Cui Xuemei, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Hainachuan, Chen Geng, Vice President of Hainachuan and Director of Bohai Automobile, Li Fengjun, director of the Party and Mass Work Department, vice chairman of the labor union, and general manager of the President's Office of Hainachuan Company, Zhao Kai, general manager of the operation management department, Chen Jie, chief auditor and general manager of the audit department, and Ma Lei, general manager of the market development department Office. Tai'an Qicheng Company General Manager Shen Zaigen, Party Branch Secretary and Labor Union Leader Li Maocai, Financial Controller Liu Guangan, and former Party Branch Deputy Secretary and Labor Union Chairman Niu Yong, accompanied the on-site office work and reported on related work.

      Cai Suping and his entourage inspected the two-line work of Tai'an Departure and the construction of the first phase of the second phase of the construction, learned in detail about the production situation of the machining assembly line and the coating production line, listened to the work report of Tai'an Departure, and cordially expressed their condolences. Outstanding anti-epidemic pioneers in the "two-line battle" and provided coolness to frontline cadres and employees.

       Shen Zaigen reported on the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, personnel guarantee, resumption of work guarantee and safe production, and the completion of the indicators for the second quarter and the key work plan.

       Cai Suping affirmed Taian's solid work in epidemic prevention and control, production and operation, and the phased results achieved, and put forward hope and requirements for the next step. Chen Bao, Cai Enyu, Chen Geng, and Ma Lei also put forward guiding opinions.

       Work on-site with clear ideas and supervise work to promote development. Chairman Cai Suping and his entourage came to Tai'an for investigation and made new plans and deployments for the future development of Qicheng, pointed out the new direction of Qicheng's development, and deepened the platform exchanges between Qicheng and the government, and promoted the development of Qicheng. Created better conditions.

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