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Tai'an set off to hold the third "Start Cup" table tennis competition for employees

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2019-11-22 17:9:54]    瀏覽量:5485次
Tai'an set off to hold the third "departure Cup" staff table tennis competition
Sprint! Fight! Complete the annual target !" In order to inspire the staff in the fourth quarter of the final battle, With a better spirit and energy into the fourth quarter of the special labor competition, To achieve the 2019 business objectives, 19-22 November, Sponsored by the departure trade union, Jointly carefully organized Taian departure for the third 2019 staff "departure Cup" table tennis competition. The competition was held at the departure staff's house, Twenty contestants from various departments and workshops of the company signed up for the competition. In view of workshop shift, The competition is held from 12:30 to 14:30 every day, And the game ended on November 22. The competition includes men's singles, women's singles and mixed doubles. Every day the game is fierce and wonderful. After a series of cycles, Eventually, The first, second and third men's singles were obtained by Sun Zhaobao, Li Xiao and Ding Xinjie, Women's singles champion, runner-up, runner-up by the Ministry of Commerce Zhang Chunhua, technical department Liu Fengxia, party and group department Ni Xiuwen, The mixed doubles team, composed of Ding Xinjie and Zhang Chunhua, two employees of the Ministry of Commerce, won the first place in the mixed doubles. This competition fully shows the charm and grace of the departure staff, Activated the atmosphere, So that employees get good communication and communication, For the achievement of the annual target, Injects energy.
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