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Revitalize team will and stimulate team vitality

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2019-10-27 19:30:43]    瀏覽量:5579次
On October 26 and 27, in order to increase mutual trust, promote team communication, enhance teamwork, rejuvenate team will, stimulate team vitality, increase the sense of initiative, be brave to surpass oneself, tap potential, build company unity, cooperation, and enterprising , A passionate management team, Taian Qicheng Company organized 38 middle and high-level cadres and young backbones to carry out a two-day outreach training activity at the expansion base of Lingyan Temple at the foot of Mount Tai.

    Everyone has participated in nine training programs, including high-altitude leaping, trust back fall, supersonic speed, 60 seconds rapid, challenge 150, no excuses, eyebrow stick (concentric pole), minefield water extraction, and high-voltage power grid. In every expansion project, we were moved by our teammates and by ourselves. Especially in the high-voltage power grid escape project, each team first formulates countermeasures, positions each team member's role, and works together to lift the team members through the power grid. Although after repeated failures and restarted again and again, the teammates do not get discouraged or give up. They analyze the problems in time, formulate measures in time, correct them in time, and encourage each other. The belief in "swearing to not reach the goal" stimulates The fighting spirit of the players. In the end, all 38 team members managed to escape.




    With the cooperation of the team members, each team finally conquered one project after another. After the end of each project, everyone shared the joy of success and the perception of challenges, analyzed the reasons for failure, summed up lessons, analyzed experience, and fully realized team trust, effective communication, reasonable organization, teamwork, and details determine success or failure. Focus on management awareness and management art that are closely related to work, such as persistence, leadership decision-making, and implementation.

    The two-day outreach training is a soul wash for all the trainees who set out to train. It allows everyone to understand the value of responsibility and responsibility, enhances everyone’s understanding of team cohesion, and feels communication and cooperation, leadership and The importance of execution enhances the awareness of initiative and responsibility, and increases the sense of belonging and honor.

    At the event summary meeting, General Manager Li Jiahu thanked the coaches and staff for training the departure team, and affirmed that each departure team member had a high awareness of safety and environmental protection throughout the event, ensuring the smooth progress of the event and completing it according to the rules After completing each project, he has gained success and insights. He hopes that these insights will help everyone in their work and life in the future. “Break a bridge is a small step and a big step in life.” We must take a correct view of goals and difficulties and learn to change positions. Thinking; in terms of execution, understand the profound meaning of "there are no wrong instructions, only wrong execution"; in the face of difficulties, you must have the spirit of challenge and put the individual in the team's position; "small games, great principles" , Through these training projects, understand what is "leadership, communication, execution", achieve "plan ahead, organize implementation, implement inspection", and use it in your actual work, be proactive, conscientious, daring to take responsibility, and fight for a decisive battle In the fourth quarter, striving to achieve the full-year goal!

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