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Tai'an Qicheng Company and Bank of China Tai'an Dongyue Sub-branch started a new step in jointly carrying out red education party building activities

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2019-7-6 21:21:15]    瀏覽量:4789次
Leading by party building, seeking new development, building a new pattern of bank-enterprise pairing and co-construction work, and giving full play to the advantages of party building work is a good move for both banks and enterprises to face the future, work together and work together for a win-win situation. Tai'an Qicheng Company and Bank of China Tai'an Dongyue Sub-branch started a new step on joint branch construction and jointly promoted enterprise development.
    On July 6, the party branch of Taian Departure Company and the party branch of Bank of China Taian Dongyue Branch jointly launched a red education party building activity. A total of 56 party members and activists from both sides went to the Laiwu Battle Memorial Hall in Shandong to review the revolutionary history and cherish the memory of heroes and martyrs. Feel the power of the original intention and accept the baptism of ideology and politics. Party members and activists from both sides visited the Laiwu Battle Memorial Hall and the Luzhong Anti-Japanese War Exhibition Hall. Under the solemn revolutionary martyrs monument, in front of the party flag, clenched their right fists, solemnly swore, revisited the party oath, and expressed their greetings to the martyrs. Respect, express the firm determination of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind". During the visit, party members and active participants from both sides also exchanged opinions about the visit.

    Pursue the red memory and inherit the red gene. Party building leads development and co-construction seeks a win-win situation. The leaders of both the Taian Qicheng Party Branch and the Taian Dongyue Branch Party General Branch agreed that they should take the red education joint construction activity as an opportunity, and take "observe the original intention, assume the mission, find the gap, and grasp the implementation" as the general requirement to further deepen the "no Forget the original aspiration, keep in mind the mission” theme activity, accelerate the pace of deepening cooperation, do a solid job of party building, and better transform the red elements and political advantages of mutual promotion and mutual progress into development advantages, and create joint construction, development, and mutual benefit. A new win-win situation, especially in terms of credit and forward foreign exchange settlement.
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