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Determine development ideas and guide the way forward to ensure a good start in the first quarter

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2019-2-21 18:16:14]    瀏覽量:5747次
On February 21, 2019, the spring at the foot of Mount Tai was bright and beautiful, and the spring breeze came from the east to the purple air. Cai Suping, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of BAIC Group, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hainachuan, Chen Bao, President of Hainachuan Company, Cai Enyu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Labor Union of Hainachuan Company, and Xie Hua, Secretary of the Board of Hainachuan Company, Lin Fenghua, Vice Chairman and General Manager of Bohai Automobile, Executive Director of Bohai Pistons, and Secretary of the Party Committee came to Tai'an to investigate the production and operation of the first quarter of the first quarter, and plan and deploy the future development of the company.

Accompanied by Li Zongqi, Member of the Hainachuan Party Committee and Executive Director of Tai'an Qicheng, and Li Jiahu, Secretary of the Party Branch and General Manager, Chairman Cai Suping and his entourage investigated the production site and the second-phase expansion site, and appreciated the recently developed new product samples. , And finalized the brand design plan on the spot.

General Manager Li Jiahu made a report on the production and operation arrangements for the first quarter and the key work plan for the whole year. After listening to the report, Chairman Cai Suping made new plans and deployments for the future development of Qicheng, once again clarified the development goals and direction of Qicheng, and at the same time built a better government platform for the development of the enterprise, and strengthened each of Qicheng Cadres and employees have won a good start in the first quarter and the confidence and determination to achieve the annual goal.

President Chen Bao and Deputy Secretary Cai Enyu also put forward guiding opinions on production and operation, safety and environmental protection, and brand building. Executive Director Li Zongqi made a statement on behalf of the leadership team of Departure. Since the government has given a major stage for the development of Departure, the leaders of Hainachuan have determined the major goals and major plans of Departure Development. The cadres and employees who depart must perform well and must make great achievements. .
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